Office of Career Services & Pre-Professional Programs
1000 ASU Drive #540
Lorman, MS 39096-7500
Dr. Rudolph Waters Sr. Classroom Building
Office: 601-877- 6324
Fax: 601-877- 6279
pg电子下载 State University is approximately an equal distance – 40 miles – from Vicksburg to the north and Natchez to the south. The University is 80 miles southwest of the state capital, Jackson.
From the east or west via I-20: Take the U.S. Hwy 61 exit, travel approximately 40 miles, and exit onto Mississippi Hwy 552 west. Follow the signs for 7 miles to the campus.
From the north or south via I-55
(1) From I-55 in Jackson, MS take take I-20 west to Vicksburg, MS. Take the exit to U.S. Hwy 61 south to MS Hwy 552 west.
(2) From I-55 at Brookhaven, MS take U.S. Hwy 84 west to MS Hwy 33 north, to US Hwy 61 north to US Hwy 552 west.
(3) From I-55 at McComb, MS take U.S. Hwy 98 west to U.S. Hwy 84 west at Bude, to MS Hwy 33 N to U.S. Hwy 61 north to MS Hwy 552 west.